Fit Society

Chocolate Chip Shamrock Protein Shake

Chocolate Chip Shamrock Protein Shake


Chocolate Chip Shamrock Protein Shake ?☘?☘ {Tomorrow’s the day! Here’s a much healthier version of our favorite drive-through shamrock indulgence. This one is totally tasty, creamy, and GREEN! Oh ya…also nutritious and satisfying!⠀
makes 2 servings⠀

2 overripe large bananas, frozen⠀
1 cup packed baby spinach⠀
1/4 cup picked fresh mint leaves⠀
1/2 tsp pure peppermint extract, or to taste⠀
2 scoops vanilla protein powder of choice ⠀
2 cups milk of choice, I used unsweetened cashew milk, almond milk would be awesome too⠀
2 Tbsp dark chocolate chips, lily’s brand sweetened with stevia, or enjoy life brand ⠀
3-4 ice cubes ⠀

Place all ingredients except chocolate chips in a high speed blender. ⠀
Blend until smooth.⠀

Pour into✌ cups and sprinkle with chocolate chips.



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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