Fit Society

Chipotle Burgers with Sweet Potato Buns

Chipotle Burgers with Sweet Potato Buns


Chipotle Burgers with Sweet Potato Buns ? The cheapest paleo, gluten free, and grain free option for buns ? I love fancy paleo bread but I also love making these 10-12 minute sweet potato buns ? ⠀
Made some grass fed burgers today with a little kick to them- I used chipotle powder to give it a little spice ? We got a new grill from my stepdad for Christmas that I’m dying to try out but it’s not quite grilling weather just yet ? So instead, I made these on my little cast iron grill skillet which isn’t as fun and is messy but gets the job done ? They’re ready in less than 15 minutes too ?? Figured I’d cool it on the avocado and top it with some other options instead ? It’s been raining alllll day here but I’m about to brave the rain and take the girls for a nice long walk ? Dreaming of having a nice fenced in backyard right about now ? One day, right ?? Have a great evening friends ? ⠀
healthyrecipes ?? Grass fed chipotle burgers: used @butcher_box grass fed ground beef (I’ll link a discount code in my stories!) used 1 lb + 1 tsp chipotle powder + 1 tsp onion powder + 1/2 tsp chili powder. I mixed the spices together before mixing it in with the ground beef. Forms 4 burger patties. Then heat a skillet over medium heat, add olive oil when it’s hot, and cook the burgers for 5-6 mins on each side. ⠀
For the sweet potato buns: ⠀
Slice an extra large sweet potato (try to look for a circular one if you can) into rounds (you can boil or microwave to soften if it’s too tough) and then put the oven to 500F or broil. Bake on the bottom shelf for 10-12 mins, can move to the top shelf at the end to make crispy. ⠀
Served with kale and sautéed onion ?



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