Fit Society

Chili Lime Shrimp Wraps

Chili Lime Shrimp Wraps


Chili Lime Shrimp Wraps ???⠀
{ Crisp lettuce, tangy-limey shrimp?, and creamy avocado?…yeh, let’s eat these all year long!? makes about 4 servings⠀

1.5 lb. raw shrimp, peeled and deveined⠀
2 tsp ground cumin ⠀
1 tsp smoked paprika⠀
2 cloves fresh garlic, minced⠀
2 Tbsp avocado oil, or extra-virgin olive oil, divided in half ⠀
sea salt and fresh ground black pepper⠀
freshly ground black pepper⠀
2 fresh limes⠀
a handful of fresh cilantro leaves, chopped⠀
8-10 romaine or butter lettuce leaves, rinsed and pat dried⠀
1 large avocado, diced ⠀
1 red chili, thinly sliced⠀

In a large glass bowl, add shrimp, all seasonings, juice of 1 lime, garlic, and 1 Tablespoon of oil.⠀

Season with sea salt and pepper to your taste, then stir well to coat. ⠀
If time allows, refrigerate/marinate for 15 minutes or so, covered.⠀

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add shrimp and cook until just pink, about 3-4 minutes⠀

In a very large bowl add cooked shrimp, diced avocado, cilantro, chili slices, juice of 1 lime and remaining oil. ⠀
Gently stir to combine.⠀
Taste test and season with a pinch of sea salt and pepper of needed.⠀

Add spoonfuls of the avocado shrimp mixture lettuce leaves as shown, and enjoy. ❤Rachel



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Hatice Demir

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