Vegan Meals

Check out @plantfuture and join the private facebook group for health, fitness &…

Check out @plantfuture and join the private facebook group for health, fitness &…


Check out @plantfuture and join the private facebook group for health, fitness & cooking support ?? ? LINK IN BIO!! • Vegan Ramen from @plantfuture – only takes 10 minutes to make! Give it a go! ?? INGREDIENTS: -⠀
– 80g asparagus⠀
– 100g mushrooms (preferably oyster)⠀
– 1 tbsp coconut oil⠀
– 1 tsp sea salt -⠀
– 2 tsp sesame oil⠀
– 1 tsp minced ginger – 2 tbsp soy sauce – 1 tbsp miso paste⠀
– 30g sunflower seeds (or yogurt)⠀
– Water to loosen -⠀
– 100g ramen or soba noodles⠀
– 1 red chilli, sliced⠀
– 1 nori sheet, sliced⠀
– 100g baked tofu⠀
– Few sprigs of chives⠀
– 1 tbsp sesame seeds⠀
1. Add the sea salt & asparagus to a fry pan, cook for 2-3 minutes on a medium heat. ⠀
2. Add the coconut oil and mushrooms and fry for a further 2-3 minutes until the mushrooms turn golden brown. Transfer to a plate.⠀
3. For the broth, add the ginger, sesame oil, soy sauce and water to the empty mushroom pan. Scratch any sediment off the bottom for flavour. ⠀
4. Transfer to a blender along with the miso paste, sunflower seeds and more water. Blend until smooth.⠀
5. Add the broth to a sauce pan and bring to the boil. Add the noodles and cook until they are ready to eat.⠀
6. To create the ramen, first put the noodles in the bowl. Add the broth then add the rest of the garnish. ENJOY!




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Hatice Demir

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