Fit Society

Cashew alfredo chickpea fettuccine rosemary infused roasted mushrooms green peas

Cashew alfredo chickpea fettuccine rosemary infused roasted mushrooms green peas


Cashew alfredo chickpea fettuccine /rosemary infused roasted mushrooms /green peas. Portion size for 2 people:⠀
? Rosemary infused roasted mushrooms:⠀
300g mushrooms, cleaned⠀
2 garlic, grated⠀
4 Tbsp. olive oil⠀
2 Tbsp. tamari⠀
2 tsp rosemary, minced⠀
2 tsp balsamic vinegar⠀
Preheat oven to 200⁰C (390⁰F). Toss mushrooms with other ingredients. Transfer to a baking dish in an even layer. Roast it for about 10 minutes, flip and continue to roast 8-10 more minuets. Salt to taste.⠀
?Cashew alfredo sauce (about 1.5 cups)⠀
◆ingredients for the sauce:⠀
1/2 cup raw cashew, soaked in hot water for 30 minutes and rinsed⠀
1/2 cup minced brown onion⠀
1.5 garlic (1 garlic for sauté, 1/2 for adding at step #2)⠀
1 cup unsweetened plain almond milk⠀
2-3 Tbsp. nutritional yeast⠀
1 Tbsp. arrow root powder or potato starch⠀
1/2-1 tsp maple syrup⠀
olive oil, pink salt, and black pepper⠀
200g your choice of pasta⠀
lemon wedges for serving⠀
1)Sauté minced onion and 1 minced garlic with 1 Tbsp olive oil for a few minutes. Add 1/2 tsp pink salt and continue to sauté until they become tender. ⠀
2)In a high speed blender, put all the ingredients for the sauce and blend well.⠀
3)Transfer the mixture to a small pot and heat it for 10 minutes with low to medium flame. Continue to stir as to not burn it. Add more milk, salt, and black pepper if you wish.⠀
4)Mix the sauce and olive oil with boiled pasta and squeeze fresh lemon juice over it and mix well. Add black pepper and salt to taste.



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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