Fit Society

Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Celery Sticks

Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Celery Sticks


Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Celery Sticks. Here is another 5 minute, high protein, low calorie snack for you to add to your rotation. Boring snacks suck and no one wants to snack on plain raw vegetables. A little chicken and a flavorful sauce goes a long way. @themealprepmanual⠀
This snack took me 5 minutes to put together and it’s decently filling. The crunch and fibrousness of the celery makes it take a bit of time to eat all of these pieces which lends to the ability for it to fill you up. Using canned chicken saves you the hassle of having to cook it and then chop it up. This is a great option for you college students with no ability to cook real food. Recipe below. ⠀
5oz can of chunk chicken breast in water⠀
2 stalks of celery⠀
2 tbsp plain non fat Greek yogurt ⠀
1 tsp ranch dressing mix ⠀
1 tbsp Buffalo sauce ⠀
1 green onion, chopped ⠀
1. Wash and cut your celery into small boats. ⠀
2. Drain your chicken and stir in the Buffalo sauce. ⠀
3. Mix the ranch mix into the yogurt. ⠀
4. Top each piece of celery with yogurt, then chicken, and then green onions.⠀
❓Can I use non canned chicken?⠀
❗️That’s a really bad question. Obviously you can. You just have to cook it first. ❓I don’t have ranch mix. ❗️As always, go get some. It’s 79 cents and it will taste more authentic than mixing in salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder. ❓I don’t like celery what can I swap it with?⠀
❗️Problem solve. I don’t know what you like. Put the chicken in any vegetables you do like. ❓Can I use regular ranch dressing?⠀
❗️No, see my soon to be peer reviewed ranch dressing hypothesis in my memes story highlight. The Greek Yogurt is a little bit of chicanery to get around that.



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