Fit Society

Bruschetta Chicken with Roasted Asparagus and Sweet Potatoes.

Bruschetta Chicken with Roasted Asparagus and Sweet Potatoes.


Bruschetta Chicken with Roasted Asparagus and Sweet Potatoes.
This may look like a bunch of chicken, but it is not as much as it seems. I pound all of my chicken to around 1/2” before I cook it because it makes it cook in half the time and more evenly. I would recommend either butterflying your chicken breasts or pounding them to even thickness. The chicken farming industry has bred their birds to have breasts that are far larger than what is normal. This works great for lowering cost for the farmer but it’s horrible for cooking! I hate getting these huge breasts so much, that I pay more for the more naturally sized chicken breasts. Even thickness is crucial when it comes to meal prep because it keeps your chicken from drying out and will help it reheat faster in the microwave. There is nothing that annoys me more than when I see someone stick an already over cooked whole chicken breast into the microwave. That can’t taste good!!!
Roasted sweet potato are one of my favorite things. The roasting process brings out the potatoes natural sweetness more than other methods of cooking and if you are someone that restricts added sugar, they can almost be a sort of treat. The vegetable in this meal is asparagus which is obviously disgusting but we’ve got to eat our vegetables and variety is important! .
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