Fit Society

Bruschetta Chicken for lunch and Grilled Skirt Steak with Chimichurri for dinner…

Bruschetta Chicken for lunch and Grilled Skirt Steak with Chimichurri for dinner…


Bruschetta Chicken for lunch and Grilled Skirt Steak with Chimichurri for dinner.
The Bruschetta Chicken recipe is one of my favorite ways to cook chicken for meal prep. It is marinated in spices and then grilled and the tomatoes and balsamic vinegar are a great alternative to a dipping sauce. Chicken isn’t the easiest to meal prep because it dries out so easily. Not having to rely on sugary ketchup or BBQ sauce helps you control your macros and have a healthier alternative. Paired with the chicken are roasted sweet potatoes. Roasting sweet potatoes really brings out their natural sweetness and if you don’t eat a lot of sugar, these are almost a treat. It is by far my favorite way to prep sweet potatoes. Lastly and obviously least is the vegetable for this dish. I went with asparagus because I don’t eat it much and you know, variety. .
When I’m in need of a quick dinner or don’t have time to meal prep on Sunday, the Skirt Steak recipe is one of my go tos. The steak cooks in 10 minutes, you can make the green beans in the microwave, and all you have to do for the chimichurri is dump the ingredients into a blender. Chimichurri is magical. It can make any meat taste better and putting it on vegetables is a huge winner. .

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