Fit Society

Breakfast was eaten on the go this morning, so throwing it back to this plate da…

Breakfast was eaten on the go this morning, so throwing it back to this plate da…


Breakfast was eaten on the go this morning, so throwing it back to this plate date! ? Fried egg Friday? I think so! ??? Nothing new — just the loyal tried and true: chunky avo toast, sautéed greens, crispy cheese, and some eggs that spent a little too much time in the pan ??.⠀
whatsonmyplate: two crispy ghee-fried @vitalfarms eggs •• @traderjoes sprouted 7-grain bread toasted and topped with smashed avocado (this is my favorite loaf bread at TJs)+ a drizzle of truffle oil + feta cheese •• sautéed spinach w/ red pepper & parmesan •• pan-grilled halloumi cheese.⠀


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Hatice Demir

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