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BBQ Tempeh Burger with Cilantro Lime Tahini Slaw from yesterday. What could be b…

BBQ Tempeh Burger with Cilantro Lime Tahini Slaw from yesterday. What could be b…


?BBQ Tempeh Burger with Cilantro Lime Tahini Slaw? from yesterday. What could be better than this? 2 BBQ tempeh burgers!?
Tempeh-Sauté 1/2 finely sliced onion in skillet with 1/2 tbsp heated oil until brown. Remove onion. Sauté 1 crumbled 8oz pack tempeh in 1 tbsp heated oil until starts to brown. Add about 1/4c reduced-sodium BBQ sauce. Heat a few more minutes. Add back onion.
Slaw-Finely slice 2 carrots, 1/4 red cabbage, 1/4 green cabbage. Mix and add a few tbsp sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds. Mix with cilantro-lime-tahini.
Tahini-Blend 1/2c tahini+1/2c water+juice 1 lime+1/3c cilantro+pinch salt until smooth. Toss with slaw. Load your bun!
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