Fit Society

2-ingredient vegan tart

2-ingredient vegan tart


This 2-ingredient vegan tart is too easy to miss out on! Blend @FisherNutsBrand pecans with naturally sweet dates, shape into a tart and top with fruit! ??? Perfect for heart health like most Fisher varieties that are certified by the American Heart Association. Look for the emblem on the bag! ♥️♥️⠀
10-12 medjool dates, pitted, soaked in water for 10 mins⠀
2 cups raw pecans⠀
Pinch sea salt⠀
Strawberries, raspberries apples etc⠀
Coconut whipped cream⠀
Crushed pecans⠀
1. To make the crust, pulse dates and pecans together until a thick “dough” is formed and mixture feels sticky. Press evenly into tart pans and partly up the sides.⠀
2. Chill for at least 2 hours before serving. Then top with fruit, coconut whipped cream and crushed nuts, if desired⠀
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