Sweet Deals

[Werbung] Good morning lovelys! I hope you had a great weekend? H…

[Werbung] Good morning lovelys! I hope you had a great weekend? H…


[Advertising] good morning dear! I hope you had a great weekend? Today there is a mix of healthy and sugar bomb ?. But I have to say, I eat what I feel like! Of course, I pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet, but if I feel like a cream cake I also eat it ? my rule, everything in moderation. That's why there are mini donuts with raspberry quark .. I'm working on a healthy recipe for you! So far, only all attempts have failed?. ,
For the raspberry curd, I mixed 500 g of low-fat curd with vegetable milk and Accai Berry Flavor Drops @ got7nutrition and mixed in 150 g of passed raspberries. For the simple reason: my husband doesn't like the small raspberry seeds ?. ,
Have a good start to the new week my dear! And then I would say we are just grateful for everything we have today ?✌.
? I got my food board from @foodyboard ?.
? with magic10 you save -10% on @ got7nutrition.
#eatingsummerparty @_delighted @paulvalentinee
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