Sweet Deals

Good evening dear the cake doesn't look that great … but it was …

Good evening dear the cake doesn't look that great … but it was …


Good evening dear ? the cake doesn't look that great … but it was so delicious that I had to post it! ?
35g spelled flour, 30 g melting flakes, 25 g protein powder chocolate, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 1 egg and 1 egg white approx. 6 g baking powder, approx. 30 g xucker and 150 g natural yoghurt. Mix the egg with the egg whites until frothy. Add the yogurt and then the previously mixed dry ingredients and stir everything together. I added some cherries to the batter. Put the mass in a form lined with Bach paper (15cm) and bake the cake for about 30 minutes.
For the cream, I mixed 500 g of curd with 150 g of yoghurt and prepared 5 sheets of gelatin according to the instructions on the package, and gradually stir the cream into the heated gelatin. Gently fold in as you like sweets and a few pieces of cherry. ,
Have a nice evening ?

I got my photo background from @foodyboard.
#cakeoftheday #caketime #kuchenliebe # baking power happy #healthycake #cheesecake #creamcake #kuchen #proteincake #healthyfood #fitness #instafood #ab slim #recipe #yummy #fitfood #healthy #backliebe #lecker #lowcarb #cherries #cream # with breakfast love #schokokuchen #schokolade #chocolat #healthy #gesund



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