Sweet Deals

[Werbung]Good Morning! After a wonderful day yesterday, my today's …

[Werbung]Good Morning! After a wonderful day yesterday, my today's …


[Advertisement] Good morning! After a wonderful day yesterday, my today starts with 2 glasses of coconut rice pudding ? which would you choose first? With cherries or with pieces of peach? ? My husband had surprised me yesterday because he had taken time off ? were then delicious to eat in the evening and had a nice evening ?.
Recipe: 1 vanilla pod, 250 ml milk, 400 ml coconut milk, 4 tablespoons Xucker
1 tsp lemon zest @spice_bar,
4 tbsp coconut flakes, 200 g milk rice.
Scrape out the vanilla bean. Boil milk with rice, coconut milk, sugar, lemon zest, grated coconut and vanilla pulp. Simmer for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally over low heat.
I got my photo background from @foodyboard ?.
Have a nice relaxing Sunday ?
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