Vegan Meals

Veggie Mac n Cheeze Chowder: it’s gloomy here in NYC and I want soupppp …so co…

Veggie Mac n Cheeze Chowder: it’s gloomy here in NYC and I want soupppp …so co…


Veggie Mac n Cheeze Chowder: it’s gloomy here in NYC and I want soupppp …so cozy, chunky, and cheezyyyy. Hope you enjoy it!
What you need: 8 oz cooked macaroni ( or your favorite small pasta shape) For the Cashew Cream: 1/2 cup cashews, 1 cup veggie broth, 1/4 cup jarred red peppers chopped, 3 tbl nutritional yeast For The Soup:1/4 cup vegan butter, 1 onion finely chopped, 1/4 cup flour, 2 tsp Dijon mustard, 3 cups veggie broth, 2 cups broccoli florets finely chopped, 2 celery stalks chopped, 1 large carrot peeled & finely chopped, 1 1/2 cup non dairy milk (I used soy), 1 tbls white vinegar, salt/pepper to taste
What you do:
1️⃣ In a high speed blender combine cashew cream ingredients & mix on high till smooth. Set aside
2️⃣ In a large pot, melt butter on med heat, add onions and sauté till translucent about 5 minutes
3️⃣ Add mustard, mix, then slowly whisk in flour, over med heat for about 2 minutes
4️⃣Add broth & veggies, bring to a boil, then simmer 20-25 min till veggies are tender
5️⃣ Add non dairy milk, cashew cream, & vinegar. Adjust seasonings.
6️⃣ Fill bowl with desired amount of macaroni & add chowder. Enjoy!



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Hatice Demir

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