Pratik Tarifler

Veggie Lo MeinMake your veggies the star of the show. Getting into Mumbai vacati…

Veggie Lo MeinMake your veggies the star of the show. Getting into Mumbai vacati…


?Veggie Lo Mein?Make your veggies the star of the show?. Getting into Mumbai vacation mode. Will share some pics soon. Happy Friday friends.?
?Cook 4oz wide Lo Mein noodles as per packet directions. ?Chop desired veggies to fill 3 cups. (I used zucchini, bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, snow peas, mushroom and carrot.) ?Whisk sauce: 2/3 cup low-sodium tamari or soy sauce, 2 tbsp+2 tsp maple syrup (or to taste), 1/4 cup rice vinegar, 1/4 cup garlic chili sauce, 4 tbsp minced ginger, 2 tsp sriracha or hot sauce. Separately whisk 1 tsp cornstarch in 1 tsp water. Whisk into sauce. ?Sauté chopped veggies in a little neutral oil for a couple minutes. Cover and let steam a couple more minutes. Remove cover and continue to sauté until desired texture . Add sauce and continue to cook until sauce thickens. Mix in cooked Lo Mein noodles and stir for another minute or so until heated through.



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