Pratik Tarifler

Vegan Mac and Cheese with Garlicky Toasted Breadcrumbs My kids have been having…

Vegan Mac and Cheese with Garlicky Toasted Breadcrumbs  My kids have been having…


?Vegan Mac and Cheese with Garlicky Toasted Breadcrumbs ? My kids have been having intense mac and cheese cravings recently, inspiring me to make it vegan style.
What are some of your most intense non-vegan cravings? Lobster rolls anyone?!!
Soak 3 tbsp raw cashews overnight. Rinse and drain. Blend with 1 roughly chopped yellow onion, 1 roughly chopped red bell pepper, 1 tbsp tahini, 1c nutritional yeast, approx 2 tbsp water. Add salt to taste. Mix with desired amount of elbow macaroni and warm. Add a few squeezes of lemon, toasted garlicky whole grain breadcrumbs and sriracha when serving. (I also mixed in garbanzos for protein.)
?Recipe Breadcrumbs
Sauté 5 minced garlic cloves in 1 tbsp olive oil. Add 1/2-3/4c whole grain breadcrumbs. Sauté until golden brown. Use to top mac and cheese.
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