Vegan Meals

Vegan Kung Pao Tofu from @mymeatlessmeals • 400 g firm tofu, baked or fried⠀ • 1…

Vegan Kung Pao Tofu from @mymeatlessmeals • 400 g firm tofu, baked or fried⠀
• 1…


Vegan Kung Pao Tofu from @mymeatlessmeals • 400 g firm tofu, baked or fried⠀
• 10 g ginger, thinly sliced⠀
• 3 cloves garlic, chopped⠀
• 5 stalks scallions or green onions* (the white part chopped and the green part cut into 1” pieces)⠀
• 3 dried chilies, soaked and drained well; then, cut into bite-sized pieces • 4 bird’s eye chilies, chopped⠀
• 1 tsp Sichuan pepper (optional)⠀
• 150 g onion, quartered • 1/4 cup toasted peanuts⠀
• 1 tbs cooking oil⠀
• 1 cup UNSALTED vegetable broth or water⠀
• 3 tbs tamari or light soy sauce⠀
• 1 tbs hoisin sauce⠀
• 1 tbs organic sugar⠀
• 2 tbs brown rice vinegar⠀
• 1 tbs toasted sesame oil⠀
• 1 tsp cornstarch⠀
• 1 tbs rice wine⠀
– mix well and set aside⠀
1. Bake or fry bite-sized tofu cubes before making Kung Pao sauce by combining all the ingredients in [sauce] and set aside.⠀
2. In a hot wok, add cooking oil followed by ginger and garlic. Sauté until fragrant before adding onion, chopped scallions, soaked dried chilies, Sichuan pepper, and chopped fresh chilies.⠀
3. Continue to cook for a 4-5 minutes or until everything is nicely toasted before adding the sauce mixture. ⠀
4. Stir and bring to a boil. ⠀
5. Simmer for a few minutes or until the sauce thickens up- have a taste and adjust the flavours to your preference.⠀
6. Add baked tofu, toasted peanuts, and scallions and fold everything together. ⠀
7. Serve hot with a side of steamed rice of your choice. ⠀
8. Indulge.




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