Vegan Meals

Vegan “Honey” Mustard Tofu Tenders: Don’t you love that the more you do somethin…

Vegan “Honey” Mustard Tofu Tenders: Don’t you love that the more you do somethin…


Vegan “Honey” Mustard Tofu Tenders: Don’t you love that the more you do something the better it gets. I think that applies to lots of things including preparing TOFU! In this recipe I toasted my panko prior to baking. You are going to love this tofu recipe cause it has lots of CRUNCH on the outside with a tender yummy interior layered with a vegan honey mustard sauce. Happy Thursday foodie friends ??
What you need: 15 oz block of pressed tofu, 1/2 cup Dijon mustard, 1/2 cup agave, 1/4 cup yellow mustard, 1/4 cup vegan mayo, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 2 cups panko, 2 tbl neutral oil, 1/3 cup cornstarch What you do:
1️⃣ Cut pressed tofu into 3 slabs through its depth, then cut each slab into 3 equal size tenders, lightly score slices with a knife on both sides,sprinkle with salt. Set Aside
2️⃣In a bowl mix mustard, agave, mayo, & salt/pepper
3️⃣Use 1/2 of mustard sauce to marinate tofu slices. I used a brush to make sure all edges and sides were covered. Marinate for at least 30 min.Place in fridge
4️⃣ In saute pan, over medium heat, heat oil till warmed ( toss panko crumb in to see if it sizzles) add panko. Stir continuously for 5 min till panko changes to a golden brown color. Turn off heat, leave in pan, let cool
5️⃣ Set up 4 stations to bread tenders: 1 plate with corn starch, a bowl with remaining mustard sauce, panko in pan, and lastly a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper with a wire rack on top (optional but recommended)
6️⃣ Take one tofu tender, dredge in corn starch (shake off excess) dip into mustard sauce, then press tender into panko crumbs covering all edges, place on rack/parchment paper. Repeat
7️⃣ Bake 400 F for 30-35 min flipping half way through cook time. Enjoy!! I served mine with the remaining mustard sauce for dipping & added some cayenne pepper for some heat and chopped green onion to give a pretty color pop ?



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