Vegan Meals

Vegan Cookie Dough Magnums ️ from the wonderful @thetastyk —•—Ingredients—•—⠀ Co…

Vegan Cookie Dough Magnums ️ from the wonderful @thetastyk —•—Ingredients—•—⠀


Vegan Cookie Dough Magnums ??❄️ from the wonderful @thetastyk —•—Ingredients—•—⠀
Cookie Dough:⠀
4 Tbsps peanut butter⠀
2 Tbsps maple syrup⠀
½ tsp vanilla extract/powder⠀
1 cup almond flour (you can make your own by blending blanched almonds)⠀
2 Tbsps dairy-free chocolate chips (for a refined sugar-free version replace with cacao nibs)⠀
pinch of salt⠀
Cream Filling:⠀
½ cup raw cashews, soaked overnight (or at least 6 hours)⠀
1 Tbsp maple syrup⠀
½ cup coconut cream (full fat – only the firm part)⠀
½ tsp vanilla extract/powder⠀
80gr iChoc classic chocolate or dark vegan chocolate⠀
1.For the cookie dough – combine the peanut butter with the maple syrup in a bowl and whisk together. Add in the remaining ingredients and combine until you can form a sticky/oily cook dough bowl with your hands.⠀
2.Take about a Tbsp of the cookie dough and place it into the silicone mold. Use your fingers to press it down and up the sides (sides should be thinner than bottom) leaving an empty hole in the middle.⠀
3.Carefully add the wooden sticks into the mold and readjust the cookie dough in case it moves.⠀
4.For the cream filling – simply add all the ingredients into your high-speed blender and blend on high until you have a creamy mixture.⠀
5.Pour about 1-2 Tbsp into the empty middle of each mold, spread the mixture evenly and place into the freezer for 2 hours.⠀
6.Once the cream mixture is firm, add a layer of cookie dough on top closing the cream filling up inside.⠀
7.Place the mould back into the freezer until firm. In the meantime, melt the chocolate. Dip each magnum in chocolate until covered and place back into the freezer.⠀
8.Let defrost for 1-2 minutes before serving!




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