Vegan Meals

Vegan Bacon Butty ?by @mymeatlessmeals(Serves 2 sandwiches or 1 enormous sandw…

Vegan Bacon Butty ?by @mymeatlessmeals(Serves 2 sandwiches or 1 enormous sandw…


Vegan Bacon Butty ?by @mymeatlessmeals
(Serves 2 sandwiches or 1 enormous sandwich)
• 200 g king oyster mushrooms, thinly sliced
• 1/8 tsp garlic powder
• 1 tsp smoked paprika
• 1/4 ground sage
• 1 tbs nutritional yeast
• 1 tbs water
• 1-2 tsp liquid smoke
• 1 tbs light soy sauce
• a touch of avocado oil for frying/ grilling
• vegan brown sauce
• vegan egg (recipe @MyMeatlessMeals)
• toasted sandwich bread/ buns
1. Make the bacon marinade by combining the garlic powder, sage, nooch, smoked paprika, water, liquid smoke, and soy sauce in a small bowl. Have a little taste and add a touch of maple syrup if you’d like your bacon to be a bit sweet (I prefer mine without)
2. Dehydrate the mushroom strips by grilling or baking in an oven. I grill them in a pan for a few minutes to get rid of the moisture. Bear in mind that less moisture means the crispier your vegan bacon will be.
3. Quickly toss the mushrooms in the marinade.
4. In a greased pan, grill the mushrooms on low heat. Keep an eye on them, don’t let them burn. That’s where the unpleasant aftertaste comes in. ?
Flip the bacon over a few times to make sure they’ve dried up.
5. Assemble a butty and indulge while still hot. ? ? .
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