Food Minimalist

Tuna salad with black garlic dressing, topped with watermelon radishes, 8-minute…


Tuna salad with black garlic dressing, topped with watermelon radishes, 8-minute egg, chives, on olive oil pan-fried toast, serve with pickled peppers and a squeeze of lemon.
Black garlic dressing: in a small bowl, mash a small clove of black garlic (found at specialty food stores) with a generous pinch of sea salt until pretty broken up. Add a touch of dijon mustard and about 1 Tbsp of lemon juice. Whisk in good-quality olive oil until dressing is combined. Adjust acidity, saltiness and amount of oil as needed. Sprinkle in some chili pepper flakes. Set aside and let flavors combine and meld a bit. Black garlic has a sweet and slightly caramel flavor and none of the pungent bite.
Meanwhile in a medium bowl, combine a can of high-quality tuna (I like the individually line-caught ones in olive oil from Conservas Ortiz) and mix with chopped pitted kalamata olives, minced cornichon + pickled pepperoncini and lemon zest from half a lemon. Stir in the black garlic dressing and gently toss to combine.
In a cast iron pan on medium heat, fry a sturdy slice of country bread in olive oil until golden on both sides. Transfer to a plate. Top with dressed tuna, egg, radish and chives. Enjoy with a fork and knife.



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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