Vegan Meals

Three White Bean Chili (oil-free option) :Mixing up some chili for you this Mond…

Three White Bean Chili (oil-free option) :Mixing up some chili for you this Mond…


Three White Bean Chili (oil-free option) :Mixing up some chili for you this Monday. I took three different white bean varieties spiced them up all hot ?smoky?& spicy? . Then added some potatoes & non dairy cream for a a blanket of coolness. I used some ancho chili powder too. It’s a new ingredient for me & I love it. Originating from Mexico, it’s from dried & ground poblano peppers- not so hot but more smoky & earthy- super kiddo friendly too. Enjoy the recipe: ⬇️⬇️⬇️. What you need: For The Chili: 2 tbl olive oil (sub veggie broth for oil free) 1 large onion finely chopped, 4 garlic cloves minced, 2 tbl tomato paste, 1 1/2 tbl ancho chili powder, 2 tsp cumin powder, 1 tsp oregano, 1/2 cayenne (optional, decrease for less heat) 2-4oz cans of green chili pepper (set aside 2 tbl for cashew cream) , 1 lb high starch potatoes diced (I used fingerling), 1 cup frozen corn defrosted, 1 cup veggie broth, 1 1/2 cup water, 3- 15 oz cans of your favorite variety white beans ( I used navy, butter, & Cannellini), juice of 1 lime, 1/2 cup chopped cilantro The Cashew Cream: 1 cup veggie broth, 1/2 cup cashews (soften in boiling water for 10 min if using regular blender) , reserved 2 tbl of green chili pepper,1/2 tsp sea salt
1️⃣ In a large pot on stovetop, warm olive oil, then add onion & garlic, salt/pepper cook on medium 6-8 min until soft & translucent
2️⃣ Add tomato paste, seasoning, green chili peppers (reserve 2 tbl for cashew cream) corn & potatoes. Stir frequently for about 1 minute
3️⃣Add broth & water, bring to a simmer, cover pot, & simmer until potato becomes fork tender 10-15 min
4️⃣ Meanwhile, make cashew cream. In a high speed blender or blender (boil cashews for 10 min until soft) combine cashew cream ingredients in high until smooth.
5️⃣ Once potatoes soften, add beans & cashew cream. Simmer another 15-20 min until chili thickens
6️⃣ Add cilantro & lime juice. Season to taste.
I topped my chili with homemade tortilla strips. I made them by cutting flour tortilla in narrow strips, heat on med on non stick pan 3 min then flipping half way through. I also added sour cream, vegan cheeze, & chopped avo post photo ???



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