Food Minimalist

Thai-Inspired Vegetable Noodle Soup w/ easy “smoked” tofu Sharing this comforti…

Thai-Inspired Vegetable Noodle Soup w/ easy “smoked” tofu
Sharing this comforti…


Thai-Inspired Vegetable Noodle Soup w/ easy “smoked” tofu ??
Sharing this comforting, super flavorful dish that’s so easy to put together. Besides the tofu, this is a one-pot dish so feel free to sub the tofu for some beans or other protein of you want an even quicker dish! Hope you enjoy ????
1 tsp oil
1/4 onion sliced thinly
2 bell peppers cut in bite sized chunks
4 to 5 tsp chili garlic sauce (spicy)
2 tsp lemongrass paste
2 1/4 tsp miso paste
2 1/4 tsp ginger paste
1 1/4 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp agave or maple syrup
1 can full fat coconut milk
1 cup vegetable broth

Veggies and Noodles
1 cup asparagus chopped
1/2 zucchini sliced
1/2 cob corn (I grilled mine)
1 cup cooked noodles (I used soba noodles)
Juice of 1/4 lime
Enoki mushrooms (about 1/2 cup)
Smoked Tofu (recipe below)

Add oil to large pan or pot, along with onions and bell peppers. Cook five min, stirring often. Add remaining ingredients in top portion of list. Cook at a low simmer for 10 minutes. Add asparagus and zucchini, cook another few min until they are crisp tender. Pour into serving bowls and garnish with remaining ingredients.
Smoked Tofu
1/2 block extra firm organic tofu, pressed well to remove water. Thinly slice, about 1/3 cm. Add marinade (below), refrigerate for 30 min at least, then lay them flat on a parchment lined tray at 400 degrees F for 12 to 15 min. Keep an eye on them not to burn. You can reserve the marinade to add back to the tofu for extra flavor of youre making a batch to keep in the fridge.

1/2 tsp liquid smoke
1/8 tsp salt
1 tsp rice vinegar
1/4 tsp garlic powder
5 tsp agave
1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce
1/4 tsp onion powder??
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