Sweet Deals

Good morning lovelys I'm so addicted to a little bit of energy ball …

Good morning lovelys
I'm so addicted to a little bit of energy ball …


Good morning dear ?
I'm so addicted to a little bit of Energy Ball ? I love these little balls .. they also had them with SHG yesterday and they were totally enthusiastic !!!! for everyone who loves chocolate ?? “Brownie Energy Balls”

EL2 tablespoons grated coconut?2 tablespoons unsweetened, wachweakly de-oiled ? cocoa powder?2 tablespoons tender oatmeal ?1 teaspoon chia seeds ?1 pinch of salt?2 tablespoons almond butter?2 tablespoons maple syrup? coconut grater (at will)

Mix the grated coconut with cocoa powder, oatmeal, chia seeds and salt as desired in a small bowl with a spoon.
Add the almond butter and maple syrup and stir in until all ingredients are well bound.
Form 5 balls out of the mixture with moistened hands and roll in coconut flakes as desired. Place the brownie chocolates in a box with a lid. Close the box and place the chocolates in the fridge for approx. 2 hours until they are firm.

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