Good morning dear ☕ ❣
Who also loves the smell of roasted almonds? ? i love it ?
That's why I have a good alternative for you with #xucker ? taste excellent My cousin would now say ?? @ room4studio ? I also had it in the SHG Group #adipositasfighter #foreverultra and you don't believe how quickly the tonsils were gone .. The Ingredients for the roasted almonds: ?250 g Xucker @ xucker.de ?200 g almonds?1 tsp cinnamon
Melt the xucker and cinnamon together with 3 tablespoons of water in an uncoated pan and bring to the boil. Add the almonds and let everything steep for 5 minutes. When the bubbles subside, the water has evaporated.
Then you can reduce the temperature. Just turn off the stove and keep stirring. The mass becomes thicker over time.
You will notice that more and more Xucker sticks to the almonds.
When the mass is no longer shiny, but becomes dull and can hardly be stirred, lay the almonds on baking paper and let them cool completely, preferably overnight. Happy crunch! ? #fitfood #lowcarbrezepte
#lowcarbhighfat #healtylife #healthyfood #fooddiary #eatclean #fitnesslifestyle #fitnessfreaks #bodybuilding #proteina #gesundundlecker #diet #ab slim #food #snack #cheatday #iifym #gesundbacken #essenistliebe #mandeln #motivation #instafood #camon