Vegan Meals

Sweet Potato Al Pastor for Dinner The perfect summer taco for #tacotuesday Shre…

Sweet Potato Al Pastor for Dinner The perfect summer taco for #tacotuesday  Shre…


Sweet Potato Al Pastor for Dinner ?The perfect summer taco for #tacotuesday ??? Shredded sweet potatoes, quinoa, mixed with a fresh pineapple chili sauce and topped with a refreshing pineapple salsa. I also doubled up on the tacos shell using both a hard and soft shell held together by refried beans.Plants rule! ✌??? Taco filling and salsa recipe inspired by #thugkitchen #thugkitchen101 cookbook.



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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