Vegan Meals

Stuffed yuba/tofu skin rolls on a bed of spinach ‘素黄雀’ Yuba is the layer that fo…

Stuffed yuba/tofu skin rolls on a bed of spinach ‘素黄雀’
Yuba is the layer that fo…


Stuffed yuba/tofu skin rolls on a bed of spinach ‘素黄雀’?
Yuba is the layer that forms on the surface as soymilk cooks. It’s a delicate process to produce one layer & luckily, I found a premade frozen ones at my local Asian grocery store. To make it from scratch, check out Bon Appetit for the recipe??
Hope you give this delicious dish a try.? Have a lovely Thursday, friends.⁣⁣?
Recipe (yields 12-16 rolls)⁣⁣
~ 2 bunches fresh spinach⁣⁣
~ 2 sheets of frozen Yuba
~ 1 medium carrot, finely shredded⁣⁣
~ 6-8 caps thinly sliced Shiitake mushrooms⁣⁣
~ 1.5 cups finely shredded jicama⁣⁣
~ 1/2 cup chopped pan-fried tofu⁣⁣
~ 1 teaspoon grated ginger & handful of chopped cilantro⁣⁣
~ 2 cloves minced garlic (optional)⁣⁣
~ 2 teaspoons soy sauce, 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil, salt & white pepper to taste⁣⁣
~ oil, cornstarch slurry
✔️In a heated nonstick pan with 2 teaspoons oil, sauté mushrooms, ginger & garlic until fragrant. Add in carrots, jicama & tofu along with the sauce. Stir in cilantro, cover the lid & let simmer for 3-4 mins. Set aside to cool off.
✔️Divide each yuba skin into 6-8 triangles. Place one triangle on a flag surface, the pointy side facing you. Brush top layer with cornstarch slurry, add 1-2 tablespoons of veggie mixture in the center, roll & tie it into a knot. ?? Using a small saucepan filled with oil, fry yuba rolls until golden brown, drain excess oil on a paper towel.⁣⁣
✔️To make the sauce, add in 1/2 cup of hot water, 1.5 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 teaspoons ketchup, 2 teaspoons sugar in a pan & give it a good stir. Then add in yuba rolls, cover the lid & cook for few minutes until yuba softens. Stir in cornstarch slurry & turn the heat off.
✨Serve stufffed yuba rolls on a bed of sautéd spinach (simply sauté spinach with little oil & salt). Enjoy with a bowl of rice.⁣⁣?
#tofuskin #全素 #spinach #jicama #bonappetit #plantbased #beancurd #vegetarianrecipes #asianvegan #buzzfeedfood #healthyeating #veganrecipes #foodgawker #tofu #tohfoodie #makesmewhole #asianfoodporn #veganfoodie #f52stuffed #f52grams #whatveganseat #asianfood #eatrealfood #gloobyfood #feedfeed @thefeedfeed #woonheng⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣



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