Vegan Meals

Stuffed cabbage rolls – a cozy & comforting dish made with Napa cabbage leaves w…

Stuffed cabbage rolls – a cozy & comforting dish made with Napa cabbage leaves w…


Stuffed cabbage rolls? – a cozy & comforting dish made with Napa cabbage leaves which tend to be sweeter & softer than normal cabbage. I hope you give this delicious meal a try & happy Monday, friends.⁣?

Recipe (yields 12 rolls)⁣
~ 12 Napa cabbage leaves, cleaned & white part trimmed off⁣
~ 14oz extra firm tofu, drained & mashed (used a cheesecloth to squeeze all the liquid out)
~ 1/4 cup chopped carrot⁣
~ 1/4 cup frozen peas⁣
~ 4 caps mushrooms⁣, diced
~ 4oz water chestnuts, diced
~ 1 teaspoon cornstarch⁣
~ oil, sesame oil, white pepper, salt to taste⁣
?Sauce: 1 cup veggie stock, 1 teaspoon stir fry sauce/soy sauce, cornstarch slurry, salt & white pepper to taste⁣

✅To make the filling, sauté mushrooms in 2 teaspoons oil until aromatic, then continue to stir fry carrot for about 2 mins over low-med heat. Place mushrooms, carrots, mashed tofu, peas & chestnuts in a mixing bowl. Season with 3 teaspoons sesame oil, 1 teaspoon salt & a few dashes of white pepper (season accordingly). Using a spatula, mix in cornstarch until all incorporated & set aside.⁣
✅Bring a pot of water to boil & season with a pinch of salt. Blanch cabbage leaves for about 1 min or until slightly soft. Remove & pat dry with a paper towel. ⁣
✅To make the cabbage roll, take about 1-2 tablespoons of filling & form it into a thick log shape. Place the filling in the middle of the cooked cabbage leaf, then roll to wrap it. Continue until you are done with all the mixture, then steam the rolls over high heat for 8-10 mins.⁣
✅Meanwhile, make the sauce by adding veggie stock in a shallow pot & bring it to boil. Season it with stir fry sauce/soy sauce & stir in the cornstarch slurry & cook for 1 min until it thickens (season with more salt if needed).⁣
✅When the rolls are done steaming, drain the extra liquid (if any) & then ladle the sauce over. Serve with chili crisp in soy sauce.⁣?
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