Food Minimalist

Steak + arugula salad with Roquefort, toasted walnuts, and red onion, with a Dij…

Steak + arugula salad with Roquefort, toasted walnuts, and red onion, with a Dij…


Steak + arugula salad with Roquefort, toasted walnuts, and red onion, with a Dijon-y red wine vinegar dressing. We had a random craving for steak and Roquefort the other day so I decided to throw them into an arugula salad for something healthy-ish that’s also satisfying. Feel free to swap out the toasted walnuts for hazelnuts or the sungolds for grape tomatoes (or actual grapes for a sweet contrast.)
In a hot cast iron or carbon steel pan on medium-high, heat some neutral oil. Sear a 1lb., 1-inch thick sirloin tip steak for 2-3 minutes on each side (top, bottom, both edges) for medium rare. Remove steak from pan and let rest for about 10 min. Then slice across the grain.
Meanwhile, whisk together 1-2 tsp red wine vinegar with 1-2 tsp Dijon mustard, about ½ tsp honey and 2 Tbsp toasted walnut oil (or substitute with another nut or olive oil). Salt + pepper to taste.
To serve, place arugula on a platter, layer on the sliced steak, scatter on some Roquefort, toasted walnuts, thinly sliced red onion or shallot, sungolds (or grapes!), and pour on the dressing all around.



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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