Food Minimalist

Spicy instant ramen (my go-to fave is the creamy + beefy Shin Ramyun Black!) mad…

Spicy instant ramen (my go-to fave is the creamy + beefy Shin Ramyun Black!) mad…


Spicy instant ramen (my go-to fave is the creamy + beefy Shin Ramyun Black!) made a bit healthier with an assortment of homemade kimchi, leftover roasted kuri squash, sliced daikon quick-pickled in rice vinegar, scallions and a fried egg for a bit of protein. A delicious and satisfying sort of no-waste, clear-out-the-fridge meal that uses up any excess veg that may be lingering around. Feel free to improvise your own toppings or use a vegetable broth-based ramen to make it completely vegetarian! #f52meatless



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Hatice Demir

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