Food Minimalist

Maple Hoisin Tofu w/ Shredded Brussel Sprouts and Chives Served over the yummie…

Maple Hoisin Tofu w/ Shredded Brussel Sprouts and Chives  Served over the yummie…


Maple Hoisin Tofu w/ Shredded Brussel Sprouts and Chives ???? Served over the yummiest mushroom fried rice that I’ll be sharing next (it’s hiding under there ?) #platingissues ??
This sauce for tofu or veggies is so flavorful and has a nice kick, perfect for coating the sprouts and chives. Make sure to press water out of the tofu very well, to keep the flavor of the sauce bold ???
1/3 block firm tofu (drained and pressed well)
Garlic powder and salt
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 cup chopped onions
1 cup brussel sprouts thinly sliced
1/3 cup chopped fresh chives

Sauce (mix together in bowl):
2 tbsp hoisin sauce
1 tbsp maple syrup
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1 tbsp chili garlic sauce (spicy)
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tsp rice vinegar
Cornstarch slurry (1 tsp cornstarch whisked with 2 tsp water)

Cut tofu into cubes. Add bit of oil in pan and once hot, add tofu cubes and sprinkle generously with garlic powder and salt. Cook over medium heat until browned on most sides (about 10 min) Transfer to plate. Add more oil to pan along with mushrooms and onions. Cook until lightly browned, stir often, then sprinkle with salt. Add sprouts and cook another minute until sprouts turn bright green. Add tofu, sauce and chives. Cook another minute, stirring often. ????
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