Vegan Meals

Simple vegan thai curry sauce you can make yourself! by @bitesbymi recipe: . Ing…

Simple vegan thai curry sauce you can make yourself! by @bitesbymi recipe:


Simple vegan thai curry sauce you can make yourself! by @bitesbymi recipe:
1 can full fat coconut milk
1 cup cashews
3 tbsp thai curry paste
2 tbsp reduce sodium tamari (or coconut aminos for soy free)
2 tbsp rice vinegar (white vinegar will work)
2 tbsp coconut sugar
1 tbsp sesame oil
2 tsp siracha
1/4 tsp ground ginger
Optional: squeeze of fresh lime juice, extra red pepper flakes or siracha for more spice
1. Add all ingredients to a high speed blender or food processor. Blend until very smooth.
2. In a skillet, sauté any veggies/protein you’d like to pair with the sauce.
3. Once veggies/protein is cooked, add as much sauce as you’d like to the pan to heat up. Stir frequently so it doesn’t scorch.
4. Store the rest of the sauce in the refrigerator.



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