Food Minimalist

Sharing these Balsamic Mushroom with Roasted Garlic Toasts for #toasttuesday to …

Sharing these Balsamic Mushroom with Roasted Garlic Toasts for #toasttuesday to …


Sharing these Balsamic Mushroom with Roasted Garlic Toasts for #toasttuesday to celebrate because there are now 50K of you following me here on this journey and that’s pretty surreal?!? I started really sharing more content here in the last year or so and it really makes me so happy that the recipes I share here are appreciated by so many of you! So thank YOU. Also, I am officially done with this semester! I had my thesis defense yesterday and finished the requirements for other classes so I’m pretty much free for the rest of December!! (Besides other work stuff of course haha)
For now, please excuse me while I relax and binge watch all the movies I’ve been wanting to watch. Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
#dailyfoodfeed #compassionateliving #manilavegans #yummyph #veganfoodie #feedyoursoull #toast #plantpower #veganph #foodgawker #plantbased #whatveganseat #yahoofood #instavegan #instafood #veganism #vegankitchen #foodphotography #foodblogfeed #gloobyfood #inspiremyinstagram #heresmyfood #plantbased #govegan #cleaneats #foodies #eattheworld #veganfoodshare



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