Food Minimalist

Shanghai-style noodles with crispy fried dried shrimp, scallions and scallion oi…

Shanghai-style noodles with crispy fried dried shrimp, scallions and scallion oi…


Shanghai-style noodles with crispy fried dried shrimp, scallions and scallion oil. A really simple fragrant mouthwatering dish full of flavor–perfect as a light meal any time of day. Serves 2-ish. Inspired by @fuchsiadunlop’s recipe in Every Grain of Rice.
In a small bowl, soak about two dozen plump dried shrimp (available in specialty Asian markets) in boiling hot water for about 25-30 mins. Drain and set aside. Cut about 3-4 stalks of scallions into 2-3 inch pieces. In a wok or cast iron pan, heat about ⅓ cup neutral oil over med-high heat until slightly smoking. Fry the drained reconstituted dried shrimp for a couple minutes until fragrant, slightly darkened and a bit chewy-crunchy. Remove from oil and set aside.
Add in scallion batons to the hot oil and cook until softened, slightly golden and fragrant as well, about 2-3 minutes. Return the shrimp to the oil. Toss to combine, remove from heat, set aside and keep hot.
Meanwhile, cook wheat, rice or egg noodles of your choice according to package directions. I used about ½ lb. of dried soba-style noodles here. Drain, divide between two bowls and toss with 1-2 Tbsp soy sauce. Immediately layer on the fried scallions + shrimp and spoon the fragrant scallion-shrimp oil all over. Sprinkle on some ground Szechuan peppercorn and toasted sesame seeds. Mix well together and eat! Also excellent topped with some chili oil! Enjoy!



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Hatice Demir

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