Food Minimalist

Roasted eggplants with garlic-infused honey, roasted garlic, toasted pine nuts, …

Roasted eggplants with garlic-infused honey, roasted garlic, toasted pine nuts, …


Roasted eggplants with garlic-infused honey, roasted garlic, toasted pine nuts, thyme, torn mint and urfa pepper.
Eggplant: Cut a small-medium sized eggplant in half, then score in a criss-cross pattern with a paring knife. Sprinkle kosher salt generously all over cut side and let sit for about 30+ min. to draw out excess moisture and bitterness. After 30 mins or so, the eggplants may look a little shriveled, but that’s ok. Rinse under cold water and pat dry. Drizzle with olive oil and roast face down on a sheet pan in a 400ºF oven for about 30-45 minutes until cut side is golden brown and a little charred in spots.
Garlic: Take off as much of the papery skin from a whole head of garlic as possible. Cut off the top, drizzle olive oil all over and wrap in foil. Roast along with the eggplants. When serving, just give the cloves a squeeze and the garlic should pop out.
Garlic-infused honey: Peel and smash a few cloves of raw garlic, keeping them mostly in large pieces. Mix and cover with about a cup of good quality raw honey in a clean jar. Infuse for an hour or for a few days on the countertop. Drizzle over roasted eggplants. You’ll have a lot of infused honey left–use on pizza, roasted meats and vegetables, etc. If you’re iffy about leaving the garlic-honey on your countertop, feel free to refrigerate it. But take the honey out of the fridge and bring it to room temp so it’s easier to drizzle.
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