Food Minimalist

Rigatoni, Tomato & Cucumber Salad w/ Avocado-Parsley Pesto As 2019 is drawing t…

Rigatoni, Tomato & Cucumber Salad w/ Avocado-Parsley Pesto  As 2019 is drawing t…


Rigatoni, Tomato & Cucumber Salad w/ Avocado-Parsley Pesto ?? As 2019 is drawing to a close, I wanted to send a HUGE thank you to all of you following along with me, and sharing this amazing plant (and pasta)-filled journey ? ❤? I hope everyone’s new year celebration is filled with not only pasta and plants, but also with all the peace, reflection, and time with loved ones that all of you deserve. ❤?❤?
Sharing this deliciously decadent yet healthy salad that is super comforting (and even better when you remember to add the chickpeas…oops!!) ??
1/2 lb. of your favorite pasta
1 3/4 cups thinly sliced seedless cucumber
1 pint cherry tomatoes sliced
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
2 tbsp packed fresh parsley chopped for garnish
Fresh ground pepper

Dressing (blend in food processor):
2 avocados
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp chili flakes
1/4 cup (packed) fresh parsley
2 tbsp (packed) cilantro

Cook pasta to al dente in salted water. Drain and drizzle with a bit of olive oil (skip oil if you prefer). Add all remaining ingredients and dressing. Carefully stir. ????
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