Vegan Meals

Reese’s Almond Butter and Jelly Cups. Recipe by @mariofabbri_tryingvegan and @my…

Reese’s Almond Butter and Jelly Cups. Recipe by @mariofabbri_tryingvegan and @my…


Reese’s Almond Butter and Jelly Cups. Recipe by @mariofabbri_tryingvegan and @mysweetbelly!⠀

12 oz. vegan dark chocolate chips⠀
1 1/2 c raspberries⠀
1/2 lemon juiced⠀
2 tbsp chia seeds⠀
1/2 c almond butter⠀

1. Melt the chocolate. Lay out 12 cupcake liners. Fill each liner with about 1 tbsp of melted chocolate. Freeze.⠀
2. Make the jelly. Add the raspberries and lemon juice to a sauce pan at medium heat. Simmer for 3-5 minutes. After the first 1 minute of letting it heat up, use a fork to mash the berries down and stir regularly. Turn the heat off and stir in the chia seeds.⠀
3. Take the chocolate filled cupcake liners from the freezer. Add a layer of jelly, then spoonful of almond butter, then top with more chocolate. Freeze.




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