Food Minimalist

Pan-seared salmon, brightened up with a fresh, minimal and delicious pineapple-c…

Pan-seared salmon, brightened up with a fresh, minimal and delicious pineapple-c…


Pan-seared salmon, brightened up with a fresh, minimal and delicious pineapple-cucumber relish-y topping.
Pineapple topping: finely chop about ¼ fresh ripe pineapple and place into a medium bowl. Add in a finely diced Persian cucumber, your preferred amount of minced pickled pepperoncini, and a super small minced shallot or red onion as well. Squeeze juice from a lime all over, toss in some olive or walnut oil, salt + chili pepper flakes to taste. Stir in a few leaves of cilantro too if you like. Toss well, set aside and allow flavors to blend while you cook the salmon.
Cut 1 lb. of salmon into ½ inch slices. You should have about 6-8 pieces. In a hot cast iron pan (or nonstick pan), add some neutral oil and sear the salmon slices (in batches if necessary as you don’t want to crowd the pan), about 2-3 min on one side, flip and cook for about 30 sec-1 min on the other side. Transfer the salmon to a serving plate. Toss the pineapple relish again and spoon over the fish, add more lime juice and/or olive oil if you’d like!



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Hatice Demir

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