Vegan Meals

oasted Almond Chia Pudding With Strawberry & Apricot Puree by @anna.culina Heado…

oasted Almond Chia Pudding With Strawberry & Apricot Puree by @anna.culina


oasted Almond Chia Pudding With Strawberry & Apricot Puree by @anna.culina
Headover to her page for loads of deliciously healthy recipes!
#recipe ?
for 2 big jars
60 g chia
40 g almond flakes
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 dash of vanilla bean powder
1 pinch of salt
160 g almond yogurt
240 ml almond milk
150 g strawberries
100 g apricots, pitted
Agave syrup to taste

Toasted almonds in a pan on medium high heat until golden brown. Combine with the rest of the ingredients for the chia pudding and transfer to the fridge overnight.
The next day blend the strawberries and apricots and adjust sweetness with agave syrup. Layer chia pudding, fresh fruits, almond yogurt and fruit purée in two big jars and top with toasted almonds.❤️
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