Food Minimalist

(Noodle recipe below!) Craving some pad thai i made this bowl of pad thai from …

(Noodle recipe below!) Craving some pad thai  i made this bowl of pad thai from …


(Noodle recipe below!) Craving some pad thai ? i made this bowl of pad thai from way back (we’re talking one year ago) and still haven’t gotten myself to recreate this. I have worked on similar rice noodle recipes (check out a similar recipe below!) though but I’m sharing this tonight to remind myself to make myself some pad Thai in the coming days!
The weather’s also been really cool here in Manila which makes me really happy because we rarely ever experience cool winds here. Oh and our definition of cool is around 25 degrees Celsius. Not bad though. ???‍♀️
Stir-fried sweet chili rice noodles
200g dry rice noodles
Sliced vegetables of choice (I used bell peppers and leeks)
Sweet Chili Peanut Sauce
2 tbsp sesame oil
Sweet-Chili Peanut Sauce
1 tbsp peanut butter
2 tbsp water
3 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp sriracha (you can opt to less/more depending on your desired spice level)
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tbsp sesame oil
1. In a bowl, dilute the peanut butter in 2 tbsp water.
2. Mix in the rest of the ingredients and set aside.
3. Heat a large skillet. Add in 2 tbsp sesame oil.
4. Sauté the vegetables. I sautéed the red cabbage and carrots first before setting them aside. Then I sautéed the bell peppers and onions.
5. While cooking the vegetables, half cook the rice noodles in some boiling water. Drain and coat with a little oil to avoid them from sticking together.
6. Add in the noodles to the pan along with the veggies. Pour in the sauce. Allow the noodles to cook in the sauce for 3-5 minutes.
7. Enjoy while hot! Rice noodles tend to get sticker as it cools so feel free to add more sesame oil if needed.
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