Food Minimalist

EASY TOFU SCRAMBLE BOWL This leftover tofu scramble made the based for this deli…

EASY TOFU SCRAMBLE BOWL This leftover tofu scramble made the based for this deli…


EASY TOFU SCRAMBLE BOWL ✨This leftover tofu scramble made the based for this delicious repurposed bowl for lunch today ?? I chose to cook some thinly sliced sweet potato on a pan with a little bit of coconut oil to avoid having to roast them in the oven (one of my ultimate hot weather cooking hacks). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
To make the tofu scramble ??:
Sauté 1 medium onion + 3 cloves of garlic over medium heat for ~5 minutes. Add any veggies you like- I chose mushrooms + red pepper. Sauté for another 3 minutes, then crumble a block of extra firm tofu into the pan along with 3 tbsp nutritional yeast, 1 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp smoked paprika, 1 tsp chili powder + salt and pepper to taste. Cook for another 5-7 minutes. Serve over toast, in tacos, or in a bowl and enjoy! ?



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