Sweet Deals

Muffins the way I like them filled with chocolate and the best part is .. you …

Muffins the way I like them filled with chocolate and the best part is .. you …


Muffins the way I like them ❤️ stuffed with chocolate and the best part is .. they fit in any purse .. ???
They were done quickly, and were gone quickly! I'm always happy about that ☺️❤️.
Of course, everything does not always work right away … which always annoys me.
You always see the family exactly what tastes and what does not ?.
What do you like most?
Do you have favorite dishes?
I wish you a great weekend, dear ones ?
200 g of flour
200 ml of vegetable milk (e.g., soy, oats)
100 ml sunflower oil
150 g of sugar
0.5 sachet of baking powder
2 teaspoons cinnamon @hartkorn_gewuerze
100 g chocolate spread.
Mix flour, milk, oil, sugar and baking powder. Divide the dough into 12 muffin dishes evenly in half and pour in 1 teaspoon chocolate spread. Put the remaining dough on it. ,
Preheat oven to 180 ° C and bake for about 25 minutes.
Finally, I dipped them in butter and then in a cinnamon and sugar mixture .. But also tastes wonderful without. ,
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