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Advertising | Good morning dear ones. Strawberry parfait with sorbet, that would be something …

Advertising | Good morning dear ones.
Strawberry parfait with sorbet, that would be something …


Advertising | Good morning you love ❤️.
Strawberry parfait with sorbet, would that be something for you?
Especially for breakfast, I often use what is still there.
No strawberries in the house or the strawberry season is over? It also tastes great with fresh kiwi or frozen raspberries! No more yoghurt, but the cottage cheese, which must go away? Smooth the cottage cheese with a little almond milk and fill it into the glass instead, no problem!
250 g of yoghurt (soy yoghurt, almond yoghurt, coconut yoghurt)
Sweet Lemon Flavordrops @ got7nutrition
1/2 teaspoon ground vanilla
200 g strawberries
1 scoop of strawberry sorbet.
Mix the yoghurt with the ground vanilla. Set a few strawberry slices aside for decoration and puree the remaining strawberries. Distribute strawberry slices so that the cut surface sticks to the glass. Then add the yoghurt, then the strawberry puree, some yoghurt and finally the strawberry sorbet on the yoghurt.
?With the code Magic10 you save 10% when shopping @ got7nutrition
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