Food Minimalist

LENTIL NOURISH BOWL Lentils are an amazing source of plant-based iron, protein …

LENTIL NOURISH BOWL  Lentils are an amazing source of plant-based iron, protein …


LENTIL NOURISH BOWL ✨ Lentils are an amazing source of plant-based iron, protein and fiber, so I’m always trying to incorporate them into my meals. I usually use them for burgers, vegan ‘meatballs’ and soups, but they were such a simple addition to this quick lunchtime bowl. I added a good source of vitamin C (bell peppers) to maximize the absorption of plant-based iron! ?.
To make ??:
Toss chopped sweet potato with garlic powder, then bake at 450 F for 25 mins. Meanwhile, cook lentils (or drain and rinse a can of cooked lentils). Make a lemon tahini sauce (recipe in my Free ebook which can be found under my ‘Ebook’ highlight!). Once all components are done, add together with any other veggies + enjoy! ?



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Hatice Demir

Diyet söz konusu olunca deneyimlerinin yanı sıra bilgisi ile de ön plana çıkan bir zatı muhtereme.

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