Food Minimalist

LEMONY GREEK POTATOES + SUNDRIED TOMATO HUMMUS I’m a sucker for anything potato…

LEMONY GREEK POTATOES + SUNDRIED TOMATO HUMMUS  I’m a sucker for anything potato…


LEMONY GREEK POTATOES + SUNDRIED TOMATO HUMMUS ✨ I’m a sucker for anything potato related, but I think these lemony Greek potatoes might be at the top of my list ?? Clients often ask me if potatoes are ‘healthy’, and the answer is YES. Potatoes are filled with fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium and iron! And most importantly, they’re delicious and can totally be a part of a happy + balanced lifestyle ? If you have more specific questions in regards to seeking happy + balanced eating patterns, feel free to reach out to me to schedule a free 15 minute discovery phone call or click the link in my bio ✨.
To make ??:
Slice about 6 large potatoes into wedge shapes. Place in a large bowl, and toss with 3 tbsp olive oil, 3 cups of low sodium veggie broth, 1 tbsp oregano, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp garlic powder + the juice of 1 large lemon. Place in a large 2 inch deep baking pan and cook at 450 for 60 minutes or until fork tender and most of the veggie broth has cooked down. Serve + enjoy! ✨



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Hatice Demir

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