Food Minimalist

Kimchi Fried Rice __________________ Chop, mince and prep ingredients ahead of t…


Kimchi Fried Rice
Chop, mince and prep ingredients ahead of time because everything comes together pretty quickly. Results: a tangy, satisfying bowl of umami amazingness.
Heat oil in a large pan (or a wok) on medium-high. Add in minced ginger and the white parts of a couple scallions. Cook until fragrant, about 1 min. Add in your desired amount of leftover rice. (Must use leftover rice so things don’t get mushy or soggy.) Break up large clumps of rice with wet hands or jab with a wooden spoon/spatula if needed. Use a spatula and press everything down in the pan so the rice heats up evenly and kinda gets a little crispy. When warmed through, stir in chopped kimchi and your veg and/or protein of choice. Toss everything around, add in some kimchi liquid, season with salt or soy sauce to taste. But be careful because kimchi juice is pretty salty on its own. Before serving, drizzle everything with toasted sesame oil, a few grinds of white pepper, top with the green parts of the scallions, sesame seeds, and a fried egg.
#asianfood #mypinterest #makesmewhole #f52eggontop



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