Sweet Deals

Guad Moang Advertising | A few days ago there was this delicious gingerbread Quarkbrö …

Guad Moang
Advertising | A few days ago there was this delicious gingerbread Quarkbrö …


Guad Moang ❤️
A few days ago there were these delicious gingerbread quark rolls for breakfast ❤️ They are optically not quite as I have imagined but with the gingerbread spice delicious yummy .. in addition to a chocolate spread and you have a great breakfast ?

What you need for it?
250 g of low-fat quark
1 egg
50 g of Xucker
250 g wheat flour type 550
1 pck of baking soda
1 tbsp gingerbread spice mixture @hartkorn_gewuerze Preparation
Mix the quark, egg, xucker and a pinch of salt. Mix flour, gingerbread spice * and baking powder, add and knead with the dough hook of the hand mixer to a smooth dough.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Rolls form on a sheet of baking paper. Bake for about 15 minutes

With the code Magic_HK20 you save 20% when purchasing @hartkorn_gewuerze.

# quark bun # hard wheat spices # bun # breakfast #simple butcher
#lebkuchen #breakfastinspo #easy-recipes #morning-mood # chocolate-breakfast #delicious #foodphotographer #fitfood #fitnessfood # healthy-breakfast #backen #back-love #breakfastrecipes #breaky #breakfastchampions #delivery-diary #deleting-recipes #deliberate-enjoyment



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