Vegan Meals

Green Burgers by @sovegan ⁠ .⁣⁣⁣⁠ .⁣⁣⁣⁠ ?FOLLOW @ChubbyVeganGirls for more vega…

Green Burgers by @sovegan  ⁠
?FOLLOW @ChubbyVeganGirls for more vega…


Green Burgers by @sovegan ? ⁠
???FOLLOW @ChubbyVeganGirls for more vegan recipes!???⁣⁣⁣⁠
2 cups frozen peas (defrosted)⁠
2 tbsp mint sauce⁠
2 x 400g tins of chickpeas (drained and rinsed)⁠
1 onion⁠
2 cups breadcrumbs⁠
1/4 cup sunflower seeds⁠
1 garlic clove⁠
salt and pepper⁠
oil for frying⁠
For serving:⁠
vegan garlic sauce⁠
tomato chutney⁠
red onion⁠
5 burger buns⁠
1. Soak the frozen peas in hot water for 10 minutes.⁠
2. Add the peas, mint sauce, chickpeas, onion, sunflower seeds, garlic, salt and pepper to a food processor and pulse the mixture until it reaches a rough consistency. Avoid processing the mixture too much because it will be harder to shape into patties.⁠
3. Transfer the mixture to a mixing bowl. Add the breadcrumbs and mix together until everything is fully combined, then shape the mixture into 5 evenly shaped patties. If the patties aren’t quite holding their shape, simply add more breadcrumbs until they reach a firm enough texture.⁠
4. Add a little oil to a frying pan. As soon as the oil is hot, add 2-3 patties to the pan at a time and fry for 5 minutes on each side, or until they become golden brown.⁠
5. Build each burger by spreading 2 tsp of garlic sauce on the bottom of a burger bun, then add a small handful of rocket, 1 patty, 2 tsp of tomato chutney, 2 slices tomato, 2 rings red onion and top with the remaining half of the bun.⁠
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