Sweet Deals

Good morning lovelys . Advertising | Who loves waffles just like me? , , I know …

Good morning lovelys .
Advertising | Who loves waffles just like me? ,
I know …


Good morning you love ♥ ️.
Advertising | Who loves waffles just like me? ,
I wish you a nice day ?. ,
65 g of tender oatmeal
60g Vanilla Classic Protein @ got7nutrition
200 ml of vegetable milk
2 whole eggs + 2 egg whites
Butter Biscuit Flavordrops @ got7nutrition.
Finely grate the oatmeal and make a smooth dough with the remaining ingredients, then bake the dough portion by portion in your waffle iron. ,
The cherries I warmed a pot and thickened with potato flour thickened with coconut yoghurt, lemon and mint. ,
With the code Magic10 you save 10% when shopping @ got7nutrition
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